Quality control solution

Realbio supplies core raw materials for quality control products

Realbio provides animal serum matrix customized according to the quality requirements of the clinical diagnosis industry. To achieve long-term stability to end-user, we have tried our best to eliminate interference factors and lower the batch-to-batch differences.

Human origin quality control matrix for diagnostic 

For human origin quality control matrix, Realbio has two major source: Biomex and Scantibodies to provide our customers a highly customized human origin quality control matrix that meets various use scenarios, and can meet the highest quality requirements as the customers demand.

Manufacturer's Customized Quality Control Product


Randox provides non constant quality control raw materials for various manufacturers, and customizes quality control products according to the needs of different manufacturers to provide you a complete quality control solution with reliable results.

High complexity

Multiple items of the same category have been stabled in one QC, which is more convenient to use.

Small differences between batches

Full automatic mass production to eliminate the differences between different batches.


High stability. Routine biochemical reagents'  validity period can usually reach four years, and liquid phase proteins reagents can often reach more than two years.

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Building 1, Shenfubao Science and Technology Ecological Park, Pingshan District, Shenzhen, China

501, building B1, jinweiyuan industrial plant, JuLongshan District, Zhukeng community, Longtian street, Pingshan District, Shenzhen

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